pic of Jennifer Batten

Ken worked with Neck Illusions and guitarist Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson, Jeff Beck, Marc Scherer) to create her signature line of Neck Illusions.

You can find more information
about Jennifer Batten HERE.

Buy Ken's Neck Illusions HERE!

my new guitar design

DARK BREED Logo Trademark

ENVY Logo Trademark Notice

The MAAT Trademark Logo

Truth Logo Trademark

Ken Webber's TRUTH guitar

Ken's TRUTH model guitar (click the photo above) is currently just a digital creation. It only exists in the computer, but it is active in branding, advertising, and merchandising. In the real world, Ken has the most fun owning and playing the following guitars. It should be noted that Ken is not endorsed by them. They are simply - the BEST guitars on the planet!

Schecter Guitar Research


The Red Death Cornuti mask

Click image above to visit
Scott Blake's site
Yordreem Creations

Click below, my mask as seen
in John 5's excellent video

my mask appeared in John 5's video

The History of the Cornuti symbol
can be found here

John 5 is releasing SINNER on
OCTOBER 29, 2021. I've heard a few tracks from the album and it sounds AMAZING!!!
Click Here to go to John's site and get his new album!



I am currently producing music for The Room for 333 Squares Art/Music Project = 111 songs, and 333 oil paintings. It is a five year project in which every aspect of the business forces me to grow as an artist, a musician, and a businessman. These are the clues I leave for you. And remember... "Let's Go Brandon!"


7/7/2024 --- Latest report from my cardiologist gives me three and a half years to go before I have to have surgery to replace my pacemaker/defibrillator's battery. That's going to be spent on oil paintings. Got 30 sketches, 30 boards, and today I'm cleaning up my studio, doing laundry, and clearing the way for a 30 day run of painting. I also varnished and framed 32 paintings and put them away into boxes until the day they come out to go on my wall. Good times! I turn 58 in 3 days.

12/16/2023 --- NFTs are fully purged from my system. Back to oil paintings in 2024, time lapse videos, and three years of recording. The plan I have in mind works on paper. Created a new line of TRUTH TM guitars that I posted on my Plague site - click the green guitar in the left hand column. That is all.

9/19/2023 --- Two weeks ago I saved a life. Called the ambulance on a girl who I befriended with a bad diabetic problem. When they came to get her, the finger stick revealed that her blood sugars were over 600 - which is COMA and DEATH territory! This week, that very same woman stole my card #'s, went on a spending spree online, and began sending me voice and text death threats, threats to burn down my house. So her "mask" is indeed off and Lauren's true nature reveals itself. The truly sad thing about all this is that this person has apparently abandoned her own daughter (and The Tree of Life for that matter) for a meth-filled life of crime and a black toothed grin. Learning experiences. This isn't my first rodeo with street vampires. Change. Adapt. Overcome.

5/02/2023 --- Spoke too soon! NFTS are deader than a stinking corpse. I've put the remaining 9899 NFTs on two hard drives and they are rotated to the back burner. 2023 I'm back to doing two sketches per day. At the end of this year I'll pick the best 360 to paint and then pair them down to the final best 333. While they dry in 2025 I'll switch gears and begin recording music again. That is all.

10/09/2022 --- The NFT Bear market is decimating most projects. Not mine. I consider my launch quite successful and in three months time I have over 300 followers on Twitter. I also have "Plan B" the animated NFTs in progress; which brings me to the act of stepping back. As in most things in life, you take a few steps forward and then a few back. My hard drive is hitting the ceiling. So while I would love to produce my new animated NFTs I have nowhere to render and store them. As you may know, video eats up MASSIVE amounts of computer space. So later this week I am going to sit down and tackle my drive and weed out all unnecessary and unused files. I'm going to delete as much as possible and it will take some time. In my personal life, it's not even Halloween and Christmas is mostly in the bag. I have one more present to buy and then I can start wrapping them until December.

7/26/2022 --- I decided NOT to build an audience first but rather introduce my project and allow it to grow organically. I despise FAKE followers. I want real investors. I am doing something now that may turn out to be a KEY in the future looking back. I am growing so slowly in the NFT space that I have time in between sales to pump up my own merch line. So when I have time, I don't waste it. I create things and that prevents me from getting discouraged. To date I have a large movie poster, a large piece of Art, custom drumsticks, a book cover for our brand, all the graphics ready for a musical CD NFT offshoot project, and today... I did graphics for our 1st skateboard deck. This action while waiting approach may be the way to roll...

skateboard image

7/16/2022 --- The Bear Market looks to have hit a bottom. Last week you could pick up a DARK BREED for $230.00 today they're running at $293.00! Looks like the "train is leaving the bear market station."

6/14/2022 --- I have launched DARK BREED on Open Sea

5/17/2022 --- IT IS DONE! By hand, I have just completed 10,000 3D NFT digital HOBs based upon anagrams of my name. I did it while listening to "I" by KISS. Now you know what I believe in. I am still intent on launching this month in May while ETH is low. Bear markets are horrible for collectors - but excellent for NFT artists just launching new projects.

3/26/2022 --- Some people die and it's a gut punch. Others seem to be filled with so much life and energy and smiles that its hard to feel sadness. I don't know HOW this guy's death will affect you but I'm setting aside my work tonight and watching him from only 6 days ago... the Foo Fighters have announced that their drummer Taylor Hawkins died today. He was 50 years young.

2/27/2022 --- 23 masks to go. My brain has been busy though. Figured out some very cool, but HIDDEN, things that are going to set DARK BREED apart from the competition and put us into the mainstream spotlight. Last night I spent hours thinking that I was a crow/raven with two broken wings that lived in a nearby parking lot and ate scraps. Very grateful to eat those scraps! Dreams sent by Spirit are sometimes useful (though I truly loathe Spirit for all they've done to me). Woke up and went looking into the anagrams of my name again (Kenneth David Bryon Webber), finding the bird, "RAVEN." This anagram search has resulted in a slight change to the mix that my future is/was/will be. LIGHT BREED has began to move along and I can announce the creation of ENVY but tell you no details as of yet, except that the creation of this new brand is heralded by the crows in the trademarked Logo, - crow photos by Alexas Fotos from Pexels! THANK YOU Alexas!

ENVY Logo Trademark Notice

Negative Anagrams of


Positive Anagrams of





1/24/2021 --- Averaging one or two masks per day. 37 more to go. Our GETTR is up. Our Youtube channel has been updated. DARK BREED is almost ready to roll.

DARK BREED Logo Trademark

12/25/2021 --- Today I celebrate Christmas with my family. Tomorrow I finish 5,000 male HOBS and 5,000 female HOBS. I will work up final traits in January and February. March will be spent finalizing the collection with the intent of launching DARK BREED in mid April 2022.

12/11/2021 --- My Uncle, David Cox, died last night. He had alzheimers. As with my sister Melissa, I only met him that one time I traveled to the east coast a few years back. My father, Richard Cox, is handling the arrangements.

11/28/2021 --- I have 55 masks, 60 female tshirts, and organizing each file to go before the DARK BREED NFT avatar project is ready to release. By my count it's coming in at around 350 variables for 10,000 3D avatars. I don't have a team. It's just me working on the project. I'm not using javascript. It's getting done old school with grids and drag and drop. I am stopping today to save my hands from carpal tunnel hell.

9/22/2021 --- I have switched gears on my NFT's. Got a very solid idea for a new 10K collection using my 3D skills. I jumped in and began creating backgrounds, identities, props, etc. in 3D. Not using javascript. I am doing it all old school with a grid and drag and drop 3D layers. I am in no hurry. I'll be done in about three months. Then I'll have to wait until IRS and tax issues fade for the community. The learning curve is HUGE AND INTENSE. My favorite channels on Youtube for NFT's are Staying Alpha, Hustle Millennial, Real Talk Finance, NFT Siblings, and Giancarlo Buys Tokens.

9/4/2021 --- My opinions on "Covid..." Sars and Covid have NEVER been isolated in the lab. Instead, they relied on computer modeling to fill in unknown areas as they believe it must be. In reality, "Covid" is a version of Influenza A or B that's been modified in a lab to be more contagious. It is medical fraud instituted from the top down (Gates and Fauci). I just got through it. It's a mild flu, IF you obey the old rules. That main rule being, "Feed a fever, starve a cold." And when you do eat, feed it vitamin D3, Zinc, flavonoids such as green tea and dark chocolate, and decongestants. Ivermectin kills it 100% within 24 hours IF you can get it prescribed. The "vaccine" is also medical fraud - that I will NEVER take! And that is my knowledge based on the "science." On Monday I am back to creating NFT's.

4/25/2021 --- Some of the rendering my computer is doing on these NFT's takes some time. The last one I did took about five days to finish. It was a loop of 12 seconds, that's it. While these things are cookin' I'm learning and planning. By my estimates, I believe my future is going to seriously rock! I'll keep you in the loop.

4/19/2021 --- I've sketched out 77 NFT's, including the financials and how I want the auctions to go down (much thanks to artist PAK). My computer is currently rendering a 12 second loop of complex animation that will become an NFT when done. I estimate it will take four more days for all the frames to render. I currently see a lot of artists and people in the NFT space rushing to get into the NFT market and that is extremely dangerous. Any time you do something like this for a money grab you are sure to put greed first and shoot yourself in the foot with mediocrity - that has zero business being there if you will just slow down and ensure that "Hand/Heart/Eye" is in place and let real Art be your guide.

4/14/2021 --- TAXES are done! Every year I make $0.00 dollars because Plague of Smiles has never offered anything for sale or made any money. I do projects here or there but always pro bono. I am still required every year to file a no tax due in Texas for Plague of Smiles LLC to keep it open and alive until the day when we DO decide to put our five year plan on the market.

3/31/2021 --- Non Fungible Tokens. NFT's are blowing up. I am not blind. I am also a highly competent Digital Artist! I am not jumping on the bandwagon. I will not waste my day in the sun for a quick buck. I am creating and withholding NFT's on two hard drives and my goal is to complete 111 of them in time to go along with my above mentioned five year project. I am hoping that will shakeout all the no-talent ass clowns who are rushing to clog the blockchains with their worthless offerings. Many people will get disillusioned, many investors will get burned... and then reality will set in. That is the time for the Red Death. See you then!

2/22/2021 --- Just got some good news from the US Copyright Office concerning my MAAT TM pyramidal amp stacking system. Looks like they are going to go ahead with registering my design copyright after first refusing it. Something to do with 'sufficient copyrightable authorship.' One down. One more to go.

1/26/2021 --- When it comes to BASS Guitar I made a decision to flex the credit cards and invest in a bass guitar that will cut through the mix. Not a jazz bass. Not a bass with active pickups. Active pickup basses suck in the studio! So I got what works for recording, a Fender Duff McKagan P model bass with a hipshot tuner so you can instantly drop down for drop D tuned guitars.

Duff McKagan Fender P bass

NOTE: The gold pickguard needed some customization when it came in because the holes didn't align and one hole had to be enlarged. We ended up routing out some of the wood to get the lower volume pot to sit correctly. All in all, it came out perfect! CLICK ABOVE on the photo to buy this same bass through Sweetwater; the BEST store for musicians on the Internet!

I got the all black gloss model and bought a gold anodized aluminum pickguard separately because that's going to make this all black beast really POP! Stylin'! AND... unlike Fender's other P basses, this one has the input plug where I want it on the bottom of the instrument! Watch this video on WHY you need a P bass in the studio.

1/09/2021 3:33 am --- Had thoughts run through my head while sleeping. A few questions really - that affect my Art and Music. What would happen if there is a media blackout in the coming days and the entire House and Senate are arrested on charges of sedition and treason for certifying a fraudulent election? What if John Roberts and Mike Pence are also arrested, let's say, on charges of sedition, treason, and pedophilia? Who would be in power? Would Trump's 2018 election EO kick in and would FB, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, etc., go down and have their assets confiscated? How would seats in the Senate and House be filled? I went online and found this government web page. It does have... a countdown.


Just thought I'd share some of the thoughts that run through my head given the current climate. Would love to see it happen. Otherwise... my plans for Art and Music may have to be launched from another country; one that cares about TRUTH and FREEDOM.

12/24/2020 --- Today is my mom's birthday. Tomorrow is Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone! In 2021 it is my intent to record and finish three CD's of material. I plan on paying off some things completely and then maybe, possibly, not quite sure yet... I may be purchasing a high level Moog Theremin for the studio? I'm thinking it over. Hoping that 2021 is a great year and everything gets back to a nice flow that exised before the Joe Biden steal. And I'm still hoping Trump will overcome that. Insurrection Act would be a nice Christmas present for the nation!!!

11/15/2020 --- All the RED ENVELOPES, about 40 in all, have been mailed out. It was NOT put out to the general public or made available for sale. Copyrights will be filed. Time now for me to get back to work on the project mentioned at the top of this page. Before my next birthday I intend to finish four more Volumes of material.

There is an upcoming SPLIT on the timeline coming. Trump is working his case in the courts to get every illegal ballot tossed and every legal vote counted. When the courts uphold the law that is on the books, created by state legislatures, then Trump will win the election. The other fork in the road is a financial disaster headed by vote thief Joe Biden. If Trump succeeds then my project is scheduled to debut in 2023. If evil and corruption win then I may PUT MY BUSINESS PLANS ON HOLD because there is no point in running a capitalistic plan in a suicidal socialist disaster economy. Just as with Obama, businesses across the nation will hold back plans, expansion, capital, and hiring. Why would any sane American want to run a business with the insane level of taxes planned by vote thief Biden? And if you disagree with my business/political viewpoints then I suggest eating a bag of dicks and fucking off.

Red Envelope contents

10/6/2020 --- I am STILL waiting. My Neck Illusions sticker was erroneously produced in mirror image reverse so I am waiting on sticker robot to print me a correct batch. STILL waiting on one final guitar pick to be manufactured. They're dealing with issues from the latest fire in California. When I get those two products in then The Red Envelope USB card mails out. And... Eddie Van Halen is lighting up the heavens tonight. He has died at the age of 65 from cancer.

07/24/2020 --- The Red Envelope USB Music Card project is finalized, both albums of material. I am producing things right now to fit inside, stickers, postcards, guitar picks, etc. It should mail out in October.

06/26/2020 --- ALL the heavy lifting is now done! Charts for every mode and charts in every key with all the modes. DONE! I now realize that I have 3 months ahead with a clear schedule to go back into the recording studio for an AMAZING package I've put together, scheduled for release in October. FURTHERMORE... I just got notice from Sweetwater that the guitar I had on backorder for months (COVID-19 shut down the Schecter Guitar company so nothing was being shipped out) will arrive before the middle of next week. Check out that beauty HERE! Talk about inspiration! I'm going back into the studio with plenty of time and a brand new guitar --- WOOOHOO!!!!

06/10/2020 --- You have no idea how BRAIN NUMBING it is to work out mode chart graphics for all 12 major keys for a 24 fret guitar! I now have Lydian and Dorian finished. Ionian, Phrygian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian to go. And then the Double Harmonic Major Scale in all 12 keys - just for fun. They're all going to go on the USB music card I talk about below.

06/09/2020 --- My custom USB music cards should get here this week from Discmakers. The CD is officially dead now that something slimmer and cheaper has arrived on the scene. They make it really easy to throw in an envelope or bundle with say, a small metal plaque? Or just slip down a poster tube. A lot of possibilities but they too shall fade when AR/MR/VR arrives to the masses.

05/16/2020 --- I'm still double checking it (which IS a bitch) so if you see a mistake please feel free to contact me. This is a chart of Lydian mode in all 12 keys. It's about 3.75mb in size so allow it to fully load in first before attempting to save it. This is a favorite mode of Joe Satriani and Steve Vai. I'm going to do one for the other modes and the Double Harmonic Scale as well - in all 12 keys.

05/06/2020 --- Should I become famous one day, I would like history to get a certain label correct. Never refer to me, Ken D. Webber, as a "musical genius" because I am not. If anything, I am more of an "idiot savant." I really don't know what I'm playing as I play it because I wasn't taught music theory. I learned everything by ear - so I play by ear. On the piano, I always mark out a scale or a mode with colored duct tape. I couldn't do that with guitar so instead I created a 3D graphic of the neck and before working in a particular key, scale, or mode, I work out the notes in this graphic to help me play the correct notes and avoid any errors. I'm thinking that my homework can help you, the reader of this web page?! For example, my current song "Stay Thirsty Dog" was written in the Key of A major to explore the Lydian mode of that key. So the first thing I did was learn what notes are in the key of A Major and then starting on the 4th I wrote out the Lydian mode. The end result is a jpeg that you can snag if you also want to explore the lydian mode of A major. Just click the small thumb below and then save the image that pops up. You're welcome! In the future, I plan on creating one of these maps each and every time I write something in a new format. I guess it pays to follow this site, eh musicians?!

Key of A Major lydian mode

05/04/2020 --- Last time I thanked Dave Grohl. Tonight I tip my hat to another one of my heroes for reminding me who I am. I am a dog. More specifically, a "devil dog" and as all devil dogs know, there is no quitting in the game. None. My new song had no real name (poo is not a name), no real title. That all changed the second I added the guitar. My intent was to play around with some Joe Satriani-esque two fingered hamer-ons. Once I heard the playback I used my ear to make a CHOP. I selected a single abstract sound and knew that If I dropped it inline with the beat it would change everything. That it did! I chopped, and I chopped, and I chopped some more and when I was done I had something magickal. There was no doubting my ears. I heard the sound of a thirsty dog panting, same as Savanna's big dog Bobo. My song will be an instrumental, and really, there can be no words because Dee Snider of Twisted Sister said it all in his song of a similar name. These words here...

If your fire is faded and you can't feel it no more
If you're tired and overrated, let me show you to the door
Expect no sympathy, there's none to be had
Open your eyes and see
There's no room for the wannabees, the has beens or the bad
--- from the song Stay Hungry by Twisted Sister

My fire burns still. Of course it does. I'm a devil dog and fire is all we get in life. My song sounds nothing like the Sisters. Nonetheless, it's title is a tip of the hat (what you call an homage) to Dee Snider. I am calling this one "Stay Thirsty Dog."

04/23/2020 --- Been weeks since I've been back in the saddle (recording studio). Pain. Last night however, I stumbled upon an interview with Dave Grohl in which he talked about breaking his leg onstage, getting a bit of help backstage, and then going on to do 2 1/2 hours live! So tonight I got up and worked through my situation and the song is coming together rapidly. The music theory is really paying off in the studio. I taped off my keyboard in A major with the intent to play D Lydian; which I chose at random. Thank you Dave!

04/19/2020 --- She died on October 19th, 2019 and would have been 49 today. Happy Birthday Melissa. I intend to take today off and do nothing. I will raise a toast to my sister later tonight.

04/9/2020 --- I've updated my 3D models of the TRUTH model guitar so I now have a hardtail, one with a traditional Floyd Rose double locking tremolo, and one with a Floyd Rose Speedloader tremolo system. To see the new model it is in the banner at the top of this page, this particular model is called "Purple Majesty." Working on the licensing legalese is next. With that, I find myself coming to a standstill in my life, a supreme challenge to overcome.

This time it is not professional procrastination, it is not the pursuit of women, it is not boredom that are the root cause. It is pain. This being a diary, I thought I would share. The chronic pain I live with (see the short bio at the bottom of this page) has reached new levels. Adding to the intense pain in my hips, knees, and back from advanced joint distintegration, my left shoulder is now degrading, I feel it traveling down to my fret hand, and all this pain is combining with the pain of the pacemaker surgery - which still hurts since the operation in 2015! I have to drop at least 25 more pounds and get my sugars under control before they will greenlight double hip replacement surgery. It is near impossible though to lose the weight if you cannot exercise because of the pain of bone on bone grinding. To complicate matters, my acromegaly is still telling my body, "gain weight bro, gain weight!" This it does through high levels of IGF-1 (somatamedin C).

With no solution in sight or mind I am forced to meditate and recapitulate on every last shred of knowledge given to me through the works of Carlos Castaneda and Tony Robbins and apply my will and intent. I am keenly aware that the universe is not fair. "Fairness" does not exist. Some are given fame, riches, beauty, and health in abundance - though many of these people are truly rotten, spoiled, egotistical, narcississtic, brainless morons who deserve nothing. Others, who do deserve great things, are instead given the hammered poop treatment day after day for years on end.

"How do you feel Ken?"

"Like hammered poop."

04/8/2020 --- Two packages have been sent to the Library of Congress to register two of my copyrights, one for TRUTH and one for MAAT. I have also finished transferring my domain name from the old web host to my new one (Bluehost.)

02/13/2020 --- I have a guitar that is pure MAGICK! Best guitar I've ever played and it's forced me to switch from Jackson to Schecter. I like to buy from Sweetwater but Schecter is known for offering exclusive guitars to various dealers. You can get the guitar mentioned above at Sweetwater only. And with this guitar in Electric Magenta, I could only get it at Musician's Friend. So it pays to shop around different online stores. Schecter debuted the SVSS PT FR S sku #1272 in Seafoam Green model at NAMM 2020 (the S at the end means it has a sustainiac pickup). Sweetwater didn't have it in stock. I shot them an email and they said they weren't going to stock it but they put it on special order for me. Also this month I blew up my Blue. Blue as in a particular microphone brand, that died along with my MIDI interface when I plugged it in and a switch was in the wrong position, FEEDBACK LOOP, and now nothing but static. This opportunity has allowed me to upgrade to a Rode mic and dumping my EIE Pro for the Focusrite Clarett 2Pre. You should never overdue it with credit but sometimes it is a good thing to instantly order what your studio needs - when you need it!

01/27/2020 --- Two more hat prototypes arrived with my TRUTH branding. The red hat on the left has the logo moved from behind the guitar so that it could be embroidered in 3D puff. The embroidery on the blue hat on the right is all flat. Not sure which design I want to roll with.

two hats

01/07/2020 --- My two hat prototypes have arrived, a black and blue MAAT snapback flat bill hat and a pink Erin Michelle Black (She's a photographer that works with Plague) Dad hat. MAAT is an Egyptian word that means "truth and justice" and is the name of my brand of pyramidal stacking amplifiers. It has smaller pyramids on the sides and "Ken D. Webber" branding on the back. Erin's hat has hearts with E on one side and B on the other and is branded in the back with a Gemini symbol and the word "Beauty." Also, the front of her hat uses 3D puff on the white letters in her name. Both of these were created by Printful but unfortunately I won't be going with them because their high prices are adverse to profit. (Their quality is top notch FYI) The plan is to buy these same hats (in various colors) as blanks in bulk from a competitive company, maybe in a run of 100, and then take them to a local shop here in Waco or Temple to handle the embroidery. That ensures that I have a real profit and I build a strong relationship of support with my local businesses.

two hats

01/06/2020 --- I finished working on a tshirt design for Mark at Neck Illusions. All of my work to date has been 100% pro bono for them because I am a partially crippled Marine who is fully compensated by the VA. While in service I was poisoned in the Camp Lejeune water contamination scandal and developed a brain tumor that has affected my whole body (acromegaly, cardiomegaly, diabetes, advanced arthritis, chronic pain, etc.). So I made a personal decision a long time ago that since the VA has helped me so much, then I would help others when the opportunity and the passion arises. Not to say that I don't work for profit, because I will and I do, but when I bump into a company that is artistic-minded and I have the ability to push that company to a higher level while both of us are on the same page then that to me is a whole lot of fun. Make's me feel great inside.

Mark sent me a simple request for a tshirt design around Christmas. I was over at my brother Mike's for the holidays and I asked him what pops into his mind when I say the words "Neck Illusions." He immediately mentioned those Balinese ladies who stretch their necks with golden bands. BINGO! As soon as he spoke that idea out loud it pinged in my brain with a full image and I attacked the job until it was finished.

What we have here is something for a 12" X 16" size shirt design. I love how it came out! It was set up in Cararra and then each element photoshopped to perfection. I went through many, many renders to get everything just right such as the way the "NECK" portion looks like the bone/ivory/soapstone material that many Chinese carvings are done in. The woman's face reminds me of Katy Perry. And as for her reflective foil blouse I've always wanted to put a condom on for Katy. This is probably the closest I will get to that in this life! The guitar is my very own TRUTH model guitar. Shirts and posters will soon be available from the Neck Illusions website in the very near future so check back with them. Enjoy!

Neck Illusions tshirt

12/07/2019 --- Jennifer rocking the "gears" I created for her guitar neck.

12/07/2019 --- Behind the scenes I have just completed all the merchandise for The Room for 333 Squares Art / Music Project. One of the products was a hat with an embroidered MAAT logo with our new trademark as seen below. Much of the action on this site is dead because I've been practicing for an upcoming recording session. 2020 and 2021 are intended to be all about that so you won't hear from me for awhile. 2022 is a painting year. 2023, while the paintings dry (they have to dry for about six months time) I'll be marketing. Somewhere between now and then I will move my website to Bluehost; which has IMHO better service.


The MAAT Trademark Logo


07/08/2019 --- I gutted a song I wrote called Drone Strike Dead because I no longer use ANY 3rd party samples, with the exception of government recordings (they cannot be copyrighted). I was then dabbling in G Dorian on two different songs and one of them sounded like a pretty good ending so I merged it together and now I have a new song called "Pew, Pew, Pew!" The song will open my second CD entitled "Vampire Awaken - The Bleeding Cut."

What is a pew? It's a bench you sit upon in church. What is pew, pew, pew? That is the phonetic spelling of the sound an AR-15 would make while killing large numbers of innocent people. And if you have a lot of "pew, pew, pew" going off in a church then that puts blood in the air and what better way to awaken a Vampire?! Yes, of course. Absolutely. And to tell you the truth, that is the first title that popped into my head because of a part in the music where it sounds like jets are roaring overhead and some socialist leftist racist asswipe is killing people here in 'Merica and going, "Pew, Pew, Pew" as the bullets fly.

Tomorrow I shall give the song a final mixdown and that's it for 52. I only wrote one song this entire year - while waiting on gear to arrive and doing graphic design for clients. I'll turn 53 on the tenth. Here is the finished cover of the CD. I did the photography, the 3D modeling, and the graphic design. If you live in Savannah, GA then you'll recognize the building. It's a Freemason lodge down on River Street. Appropriate yes?! Art copyright 2019 by Ken D. Webber; All Rights Reserved.

copyright 2019 by Ken D. Webber; cover of 2nd CD

07/05/2019 --- I created a list this year of EVERYTHING I thought I needed in my music studio. This week the final piece (a Shure SM57 mic and mic stand) will arrive. Picking up where I left off about a year ago, I have been composing a new song in G Dorian. I have a birthday coming up and I am awaiting my DNA test results through My Heritage. They may throw a monkey wrench into my family. I may make a video on it but lately I've been thinking Youtube is a complete waste of my time. That is all.

06/08/2019 --- Since my last post I've healed up a bit and I've been assembling my pedalboard: A Kerosene power supply from Outlaw Effects, Snark pedal tuner, Blackstar Metal Distortion, JS Time Machine Digital Delay, Boss Super Chorus, Drybell Vibe Machine V2 with an expression pedal, and the Yamaha amp selector. I've got the pedalboard up on my desk and the expression pedal on the floor. This clears the clutter in my studio and allows me to adjust all the knobs. New strings are going on my guitars and I am now building calluses and practicing daily. About the time of my last post I ordered new studio monitors (KRK Rockit 5's in white and yellow) that have been put on backorder. Until they come in I'm practicing and binge watching movies. When they arrive then I'll be ready to move into higher gear and jump back into recording new songs.

04/13/2019 --- In a holding pattern after a small accident. For the past couple of years I've been walking with the aide of two strong metal canes. Hips and knees are bone on bone from crippling arthritis. Earlier in the week we got a lot of rain and I face planted on the back porch. I had a huge plate of cat food in my right hand and both canes in my left hand and just as I leaned over to place the food down the rubber cane tips slid out from under me on the wet porch and I took it on my left knee and hand; sending the bowl of cat water that was under me into my face. Total comedy! However, the next day I felt a stress fracture in my right hip and the bones in my left hand are badly bruised. This is typical of the stuff the universe throws at me while awaiting another piece of sound. I bought a Snark tuner pedal through Musician's Friend and ordered a Joe Satriani Time Machine digital delay from a guy in Japan. And it'll be another 2 weeks + until next month before I can pick up a Blackstar Metal distortion pedal. A tuner, a digital delay, and a distortion pedal. I'm not big on effects. A Boss Chorus pedal possibly and that's about it for me and pedals. (Watch me turn into Steve Martin's character from The Jerk!) I like the sound to come from my outstanding amp and my fingers. The pedals are powered by a tiny Kerosene pedal power from Outlaw Effects. Final word, I'd like to say that no cat food was lost in my fall, although I did scare the shit out of the furry little meow machines.

03/13/2019 --- Sooooo glad I spent the extra $$$ and bought the dual Yamaha THRC212 cabinet instead of the single speaker version! I plugged everything in, dialed in my initial settings on the Yamaha THR100HD amphead, and gave it a go. Could take a few days and the critical ears of my brother Mike to get my sound fully dialed in. The initial test was a solid FIVE STARS out of five! I have my first channel set for clean jazz and the second for heavy searing lead with no effects and I'm using the included footswitch to go back and forth. I prefer no effects on my sound. Everything you hear from me with effects is done later in post production in Ableton Live. That, of course, will be my second test. The "just out of the box" sounds so good right now that I won't even have to get into testing or tweaking the digital profiles at all.

I am a confessed studio cat. There's no future I can see where I'm playing live. I believe that this amphead and cabinet combo is PERFECT for studio cats! The amphead allows you to dial the ohms down so you can get that big distorted sound, only at lower studio volumes. All you studio cats know that your ears are money and you have to protect them at all costs. And for playing live, you're going to have to have more power and switch to something like a Marshall JVM410H in my humble opinion.

03/08/2019 --- Back safely in Marlin after the John 5 concert in Dallas. Opening act Jared James Nichols thrilled and soared but it was the opening act before him, Dead Girl's Academy that lit the crowd up. I played their new CD Alchemy nonstop on the drive home. The entire band seems to be hand selected from the Zoolander modeling agency and the lead singer, Michael Orlando, of Vampires Everywhere, has bonafide "STAR" quality! Me and my sister Mary showed up early to the show for the meet and greet and I got a hug from John 5 and had the opportunity to drop some of my masks (seen at left) on him and a box of custom Neck Illusions created for him and The Creatures. I'm hoping he opened the box?!?! John played several of his new songs, Zoinks!, and Crank It especially and the crowd was freaking fired up! I watched the entire show from upstairs in the crow's nest with my brother Mike, sister, and cousin David. It was definitely worth it to watch the show from up above! Thank you John for some spectacular memories!

02/28/2019 --- I tried sleeping it away. My body is in revolt. Hips, knees, back, shoulders, and some intense carpal tunnel in my right hand. The arthritis is so intense I'm having trouble thinking and concentrating.

02/26/2019 --- RANT ALERT! I reached a period of boredom last night and decided on a whim to watch a youtube video on Buddhism narrated by Richard Gere (The Mothman Prophecies). The following rant is my thoughts on the video and Buddhism in general.

Buddha was raised by a wealthy King and his father expected him to reign after him. Instead, Buddha threw his father's offer into the trash and set out to become an "enlightened" homeless man because we all know how wise the homeless frequently are. Riiiiiiiiight. Yes, you can add sarcasm alert to rant alert. But wait! There's more!

This is my first exposure to Buddhism. Enlightening?! I find it to be imbalanced delusional horseshit that has the potential, if implemented by the masses, to be hugely destructive to humanity and wasteful of a soul's time. The Buddha gives a point of view completely lacking in a King's knowledge and appears to be its exact opposite. Buddha mentions "The Three Poisons."

Buddha says "greed" is bad. A King would say "greed" is merely a force and as such can be both good and bad. In fact, a King would know that if a large majority of people were to take up this "greed is bad" belief they'd become socialists and the result would be the death of millions.

Buddha says "anger" is bad but the King knows that anger is merely a motivating force and as such, has good and bad uses. Without anger there are many problems that would never be solved and apathy would reign supreme.

Buddha says "ignorance" is bad but ignorance is a state of mind and as such a King would say that can be good or bad. The King asserts that wisdom is preferable but sometimes ignorance is a gift. The King knows his Jester is sad.

His Jester was a great and happy musician until the Buddha taught the Jester that ignorance was bad so the Jester sought teachers who taught him music theory. The Jester's love of music was in the mystery of creating songs. But after he was taught music theory his ignorance was taken away and with it the thrill of mystery. Now the Jester is sad and filled with regret. Replacing mystery with strict laws and methods is a huge fun and excitement killer.

The King also knows that if a large majority of his people are sitting around under trees for years on end waiting for enlightenment they clog society in their counter productive useless waste of time. Fill up a society with useless beggars they become a burden and your society becomes weaker by degrees. The path of the Buddha is only one half of a coin. There is no coin that is 100% one sided.

This is my common sense opinion. You can love it. You can hate it. Freedom of speech. My heart goes out to Buddha's father. He must have been severely disappointed in raising such a useless son. And having said that, crumple, crumple, crumple goes Buddhism into the trashcan!

02/25/2019 --- Finished the WitCh project with my friend PAle JoRDge DecAy. WitCh is his band and he wanted me to work up the cover art. Click below to see an enlargement. This is the final version we came up with. JoRDge is in the recording studio now putting songs together for the release. Once I got the ideas down I waited for cloudy weather and began traveling around Marlin shooting principal photography. I put it all together in GIMP and voila!

WitCh Cover Art

02/21/2019 --- I'm "caught in the inbetween" stuck in the move from heavy graphic design to heavy music composition. I'm almost out of things to procrastinate with and pain levels are quite high. My left shoulder is quickly deteriorating and going bone on bone as my hips and knees already have. Bored out of my mind, I'm stuck watching all the news about assclown Jussie Smollett on youtube. John A. Keel's "The Mothman Prophecies" arrived in the mail and I may put on some Miles Davis and spend the entire night reading.

02/13/2019 --- I slept about half a day. Finalized the fourth and final John 5 design. I used imagery from old horror movie classics whose copyrights had expired; movies in the public domain. The list of movies includes The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, The Last Man on Earth, Carnival of Souls, Night of the Living Dead, White Zombie, The Phantom of the Opera, The Brain that would not Die, and Little Shop of Horrors. Click on the design to see an enlargement.

A John 5 Neck Illusion decal

02/11/2019 --- The Death Wish coffee has been amazing but today I finalized the 2nd and 3rd John 5 designs and beer was in order. Celebrate my success. Click below to see enlargements.

A John 5 Neck Illusion decal

A John 5 Neck Illusion decal

02/06/2019 --- Before jumping back into recording, I had time to knock this out of the ballpark. A custom Neck Illusion for John 5 that I created as a surprise. I'll spring it on him when I meet him in Dallas at the meet and greet before the show. Click below to see the thing in detail.

A John 5 Neck Illusion decal

02/05/2019 --- I wrapped up the WitCh project in January and then bounced my sleep cycle out of whack. Since brain surgery, I have no pituitary gland and so I take hydrocortisone to regulate my sleep/awake cycle. Sometimes it's tricky. WitCh is a punk/metal band founded by one of my best friends, PAle JoRDge DecAy, whom I met in San Diego way back when W was POTUS. Damn. Time flies!

02/01/2019 --- VERY EXCITING news... The mask I created with Scott Blake of Yordreem Creations called The Red Death Cornuti Mask (see mask in the column at left) is featured in the second half of John 5's new video called "Crank It."

01/02/2019 --- The new year is off to a good start. I paid off my car and invested in a new amp head for the studio, a Yamaha THR100HD. If it's good enough for Warren Huart (producer for Ace Frehley on Spaceman) then it's good enough for me! A new song has been roughed out in Ableton Live.

12/23/2018 --- Merry Christmas to anyone and everyone. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday and I've set Ableton Live up for the new year. After two years of time I decided enough was enough and cut the strings on my bass guitar and replaced them with new neon green strings from DR. I can go through a pack of guitar strings in about two weeks time. Bass strings will last me months. I've been listening to a lot of Miles Davis this month. The funky stuff from the early seventies, Dark Magus and Agharta in particular. It's inspiring me to create a song without beats, no drums at all! I'm out of cash to the point where I can't even buy new electrical tape to tape off the particular scale I'm creating in on the keyboards so I'm stuck for this new song in A Phrygian.


Facebook will remain because it is widely used by my family and friends to stay in touch. I own and control two websites, www.kendwebber.com and www.plagueofsmiles.com and they will remain up as placeholders for the future. I will update the percentages as the work is completed so you have some idea where the project stands.


Ken D. Webber CEO of Plague of Smiles LLC


artist and musician Ken D. Webber


Kenneth David Bryon Webber is an opinionated artist, designer, 3D modeler, animator, musician, and CEO of Plague of Smiles LLC, an art and music company. He worked on avionics for the FA-18 Hornet while in the Marine Corps then left with an Honorable Discharge to pursue a career in the arts. He attended the prestigious Savannah College of Art and Design, but only for a short time as a growing brain tumor brought a touch of madness and homelessness. Ken was another victim of the Cherry Point/Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Scandal that affected hundreds of thousands of Marines and civilians who were stationed at those Marine bases.

The tumor was discovered late but thanks to the VA, brain surgery, and gamma knife a real life is still salvageable. 2015 brought a heart attack and the installation of a pacemaker/defibrillator. His latest challenge is to drop a great deal of weight and keep it off. When that occurs then the VA will approve double hip replacement surgery. Ken lives with chronic pain and several of his joints are 100% 'bone on bone' due to the destructive nature of acromegaly.


Ken is the creator of the Kabbalah Tree of Life inspired TRUTH line of Signature Guitars and MAAT Pyramidal Stacking Amps as seen above. He left Global Rail Systems, Inc. a former division of Vossloh in 2013 where he worked as their head of graphic design/advertising in order to focus on music and recording with Ableton Live, the BEST DAW on the planet! Today he lives in the secluded small town of Marlin, Texas where he owns his own art and music recording studio. His last formal client was working pro bono with Neck Illusions and guitarist Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson, Jeff Beck, Marc Scherer) to create her signature line of Neck Illusions.

In 2018 he worked with Master mask-maker Scott Blake of Yordreem Creations. While attending a John 5 concert at Trees Nightclub in Dallas, TX Ken picked up one of John's masks and noted Scott's name on the label. In an email, he asked Scott if he could create a newer version of his Red Death paper mache mask if the original gamma radiation mask was sent as a guide. Scott said YES and a small limited run of masks was produced based upon Edgar Allan Poe's horror story The Masque of the Red Death.

Until I'm ready to show off The Room for 333 Squares Art/Music Project I suggest you pay attention to Carol Marine and fellow SCAD artist David Boyd Jr. They are BRILLIANT!


This website and all it's art, music, video, NFT's, and design copyright © 2000-2021 by Artist and Musician Ken D. Webber; All Rights Reserved. TRUTH™ Line of Signature Guitars and MAAT™ Pyramidal Stacking Amps, DARK BREED™, LIGHT BREED™ and ENVY™ created by Ken D. Webber copyright © 2000-2021; All Rights Reserved. Plague of Smiles ™ is an Art/Music publishing company. The trademarks, logos, service marks, and trade names (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on this Site are Trademarks of Ken D. Webber and may not be used in any manner that is likely to cause customer confusion, or that disparages or discredits Ken D. Webber. You do not receive, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark or Content displayed on the Site without our prior written permission, which may be withheld in our sole discretion.
Plague of Smiles LLC kensmindmovie@hotmail.com

Crow Photos by Alexas Fotos from Pexels!